Native English Teacher

Editing and proofreading services
A complete package of services related to website content, grammar assessments, profession centered language, legal documents, contracts and more.
The full range of English Language Services
- Business one to one
- Financial, taxation and law
- Specialized language skills for the advanced speaker of English.
- Preparing for job interview/ CV
- Focused areas of language specific to certain professions and careers.

Enhance your knowledge of the the power of English phrases, expressions and their delivery, sound professional in all situations or just improve your conversational skills.
Explore the area of inner dialogue, how you can create a more positive, confident and result oriented internal outlook on life, and achieve what you want in all areas of human life.
I combine English Language Learning, with fun practical and confidence building techniques that go beyond just learning the language, but allow you to develop skills that improve your overall effective language communication and how to use words in the best possible way.
“What you learn today you can use today.”
Life is what you make it….